Here's his story:
He called 1-877-372-8477.
When the voice menu got to "To Speak with a Customer Service Representative, zero." he pressed "0."
At that point he spoke with a live person! Rick was asked for his name, telephone number, the street address and a description of the problem.
The Duke customer service rep asked Rick for the "pole number." Rick had that information, too. In 2010 Rick had walked the community and collected the pole numbers and what he thought was the nearest street address.
Update 12/5/2018
Duke Energy has a website where you can directly submit a "light-out" report! But you still have the option to phone using the number above.
Go to www.Duke-Energy.com/Customer-Service/request-light-repair then scroll to the bottom of the page. Enter an address, the scroll over the light pole. The icon shows whether an outage has been reported.
If Duke thinks it's a working streetlight, then you can enter a new repair request. The new status is updated immediately.
The repair request will ask for the pole number (a list is shown below), your name, your phone number, and an email address. Done.
So, for your information here is Rick's list of pole numbers:
---- Oyster Bayou Way ---
Oyster Bayou Way (McMullen-Booth entrance) ~ Pole Number: B76 9991
3105 Oyster Bayou Way (at end of driveway) ~ Pole Number: B76 9981
3120 Oyster Bayou Way (side of building) ~ Pole Number: B259 9762
3125 Oyster Bayou Way (across street) ~ Pole Number: B259 364
3133 Oyster Bayou Way (across street) ~ Pole Number: B259 9762
3135 Oyster Bayou Way (3) ~ Pole Number: B259 363
3141 Oyster Bayou Way (side of building) ~ Pole Number: B259 362
3141 Oyster Bayou Way (across street, by pool) ~ Pole Number: B176 7182
3149 Oyster Bayou Way (across street) ~ Pole Number: B167 370
3156 Oyster Bayou Way (next to building) ~ Pole Number: B282 372
3164 Oyster Bayou Way (on traffic circle) ~ Pole Number: B282 370
Oyster Bayou Way (entrance from Bayshore Blvd) ~ Pole Number: B286 376
-- Seagrape Circle --
8 Seagrape Circle (across street, by pool) ~ Pole Number: B176 7182
18 Seagrape Circle (across street) ~ Pole Number: B176 719
33 Seagrape Circle (across street) ~ Pole Number: B176 717
38 Seagrape Circle (across street) ~ Pole Number: B176 722
46 Seagrape Circle (next to building) ~ Pole Number B282 372
-- Estuary Trail --
30 Estuary Trail (in traffic circle) ~ Pole Number: B282 373
39 Estuary Trail (end of street) ~ (no pole number)4
Cross Reference (Pole number, location)
B167 370 ~ Across the street from 3149 Oyster Bayou Way
B176 717 ~ Across the street from 33 Seagrape Circle
B176 7182 ~ Across the street from 8 Seagrape Circle (by pool)B176 7182 ~ Across the street from 3141 Oyster Bayou Way (by pool)
B176 719 ~ Across the street from 18 Seagrape Circle
B176 722 ~ Across the street from 38 Seagrape Circle
B259 362 ~ Next to 3141 Oyster Bayou Way
B259 3633 ~ Halfway between 3135 Oyster Bayou Way and 3141 Oyster Bayou Way
B259 364 ~ Across the street from 3125 Oyster Bayou Way
B259 9762 ~ Next to 3120 Oyster Bayou Way
B259 9762 ~ Across the street from 3133 Oyster Bayou Way
B282 370 ~ In traffic circle near 3164 Oyster Bayou Way
B282 372 ~ Next to 3156 Oyster Bayou WayB282 372 ~ Next to 46 Seagrape Circle
B282 373 ~ Next to 30 Estuary Trail (in traffic circle)
B286 376 ~ On Oyster Bayou Way at entrance from Bayshore Blvd
B76 9981 ~ Near 3105 Oyster Bayou Way (at end of driveway)
B76 9991 ~ On Oyster Bayou Way at entrance from McMullen-Booth Road(no pole number)4 At end of street, near 39 Estuary Trail
It really was that east!
Updated and verified by Rick Jaggers on 17 Aug 2017~~~ Notes:
1 The first pole numbers on Oyster Bayou Way only have 5 numbers.
2 Has more than one possible description for location.
3 This pole on Oyster Bayou Way in the curve between two buildings. The addresses for the two end units are 3135 and 3141 Oyster Bayou Way. It's also across the street from the side of the building at 6 Seagrape Circle.
4 The street light at the end of the Estuary Trail did not have a number. This is the one that someone backed into in 2009; it was replaced with a decorative pole that is significantly different from the rest in our community.
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